by natecooper | Aug 22, 2006 | nate, travelblog
Sorry for the lack of updates to my travelblog recently. Its not for lack of content.. I’ve hit a road block with my picture uploading strategy in that I can’t add anymore photosets to flickr until I upgrade to a pro account.. which is not that expensive...
by natecooper | Aug 21, 2006 | nate, travelblog
Sacramento was like a whirl-wind. It was probably the least planned part of my whole trip which was alternatly nerve-racking and exciting. Meeting up with a lot of touring bands really put my trip in perspective. First there was the Hardy Harr Show: The Video...
by natecooper | Aug 21, 2006 | nate, travelblog
This past week has been one of the busiest of the past five years. I pretty much spent a different day in a different city each day last week. Hence my not updating my blog recently. To give you an idea here’s where I’ve been: Monday: Los Angeles, San Jose...
by natecooper | Aug 18, 2006 | nate, travelblog
View my pics from my visit to SF on Flickr.
by natecooper | Aug 17, 2006 | nate, travelblog
I had been considering visiting Santa Cruz since I needed to talk to Peter and I was happy to hear that Nick was planning on visiting UCSC directly the very next day after I arrived in San Jose. The supposed one hour meeting turned into a day of Touring the...
by natecooper | Aug 17, 2006 | nate, travelblog
The train from Los Angeles to San Jose was delayed 3 full hours by the time we arrived. The worst part of the delay was standing in line at Union Station in Los Angeles for two hours. No announcements, no place to sit, no idea of when it might end. Just waiting and...