
Twitter Smitter

A few weeks ago I wrote about seeing Geoff Manaugh speak. I noted Geoff’s excellent defense of Twitter as a medium and utter confusion at its critics. Jason Kottke’s In defense of Twitter published today with a link to Manaugh’s own post both carry...

The Twitter Spread

Spreadtweet is a Twitter application that mimics the design of a spreadsheet. My first reaction was “whahuh? Why?” Then I realized that unlike most of the rest of the civilized world I do not work in an office full of prying eyes. So for all you...

What is a Twitter?

I find myself at a loss whenever confronted with the task of having to define Twitter. It’s one of those things that’s everywhere and nowhere. I am never really shocked when someone knows about it. Nor does it surprise me when I find out a friend from high...

Nuke the Fridge, Lexicography of

The NY Times discusses some of the more popular buzz-words from 2008. I’m sort of surprised by how many words on the list I recognize since they all seem to have a slant towards various subcultures. Unfortunately the article also has pointed me towards yet...