by natecooper | Jun 25, 2019 | books, cool, culture, education, Mindfulness, Psychology, Science, technology
I recently picked up a book by Moheb Constandi called Neuroplasticity. It was published by MIT Press in 2016 and I was mostly interested in reading about the current state of the science on the subject. Neuroplasticity is a general term that describes a number of...
by natecooper | Jan 5, 2012 | humor, Science
ikea hadron collider instructions – Imgur.
by natecooper | Apr 1, 2009 | cool, Science, style, world
Woah! That Chameleon is pretty hip … and he’s got a pair of retro sunglasses to go with each outfit! Speaking of being hip, what’s with videos of lizards being paired with trendy music? (via...
by natecooper | Aug 11, 2008 | culture, politics, Science
Started reading this entry in conservapedia about Atheism [link]. It sort of boils the blood but at the same time there is something comforting about this contrarian view. Perhaps I’ll write more later but I certainly encourage you to...
by natecooper | Jul 25, 2008 | aesthetics, digital media, Science, technology
Anti-aliasing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [link] Don’t ask why. The reasons are far too complex for me to understand.
by natecooper | Jun 14, 2008 | culture, humor, media, Science
[link] This video should be standard curriculum in high school chemistry. ——- UPDATE: As soon as you post something up someone takes it down! 🙁 Here is an alternate link to a quicktime version:...