Nate Cooper Author, Edupreneur
After working in marketing at Apple Inc, Nate established himself within the New York tech and entrepreneurial community.His writing has appeared in Mashable and his book ‘Build Your Own Website: A Comic Guide to HTML, CSS and WordPress’ has been a bestseller in Programming: CSS books on Nate has taught web development for Mediabistro, General Assembly, SVA, FIT, 92Y, Noble Desktop, Google, Amazon, and Wharton.
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I wrote this book
Build Your Own Website: A Comic Guide to HTML, CSS, and WordPress
No Starch Press, 2014
Build Your Own Website is a fun, illustrated introduction to the basics of creating a website. Join Kim and her little dog Tofu as she learns HTML, the language of web pages, and CSS, the language used to style web pages, from the Web Guru and Glinda, the Good Witch of CSS. Once she figures out the basics, Kim travels to WordPress City to build her first website, with Wendy, the WordPress Maven, at her side. They take control of WordPress® themes, install useful plugins, and more.
Amazon: 4.5 Stars, Best Seller Programming > CSS
Translations: Russian, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech
I'm a Speaker
I have given talks here:
Campus by Google
Amazon Web Services Loft
Apple Inc NYC
Wharton Business School
I'm an Entrepreneur
Here are my blog posts:
Changing Your Brain: Is it Possible to Rewire Your Brain?
by natecooper | June 25, 2019 | books, cool, culture, education, Mindfulness, Psychology, Science, technology | 0 Comments
I recently picked up a book by Moheb Constandi called Neuroplasticity. It was published by MIT Press in 2016 and I was mostly interested in reading about the current state of the science on the subject. Neuroplasticity is a general term that describes a number of...Minimalists Revolt: Cal Newport on Saving our Digital Discourse
by natecooper | February 6, 2019 | books, culture, digital media, internet, media, Mindfulness, Nate's Thoughts, Psychology, technology | 2 Comments
Last Monday I entered a wide corporate lobby with marbled floors and an imposing security desk. In midtown Manhattan on the second floor lies a kind of open floor plan tech campus home of Company. The backdrop of the event's stage were gilded age windows dramatically...Interview with Molly Sonsteng Tapping into deep work and removing distractions while living a creative life
by natecooper | June 20, 2018 | Cut Your Learning Curve, education, nate, news | 0 Comments In this episode of Cut Your Learning Curve I interviewed Molly Sonsteng. Listen to the episode her or subscribe on iTunes. Molly is a producer, project manager, and entrepreneur dedicated to...The Edge of Tomorrow: Streaks, Failure & Learning How to Learn with Juvoni Beckford
by natecooper | June 6, 2018 | cities, cool, culture, Cut Your Learning Curve | 0 Comments
In this episode of Cut Your Learning Curve, I speak with my friend Juvoni Beckford. Juvoni grew up in the Bronx. At a young age, Juvoni recognized the patterns that kept people from in his environment from reaching their full potential. Through a lot of hard work and...Imposter Syndrome and Removing the Roadblocks
by natecooper | May 30, 2018 | culture, Cut Your Learning Curve, digital media, education | 0 Comments
"Writing is a dreadful labor, yet not so dreadful as Idleness." Thomas Carlyle I think about this quote a lot when I sit down to write. Or rather sometimes when I don't. It's because I struggle with what might be called writers block but is really just a special form...Technomindfulness: The Art of Silence (Medium)
by natecooper | April 3, 2018 | digital media, internet, Mindfulness, nate, Nate's Thoughts, Psychology | 0 Comments
For the past several weeks I have been conducting an experiment on the relationship between myself and my phone. It is not a new device or anything super fancy. (It’s an iPhone 8 I believe). Each day, I prep my phone to manage how I want it to interrupt my day. I do...