by natecooper | Jan 3, 2012 | aesthetics, art, cool, culture, politics
So what makes this map different from the Rand McNally version you can buy at a bookstore? Or from the dusty National Geographic pull-down mounted in your child’s elementary school classroom? Can one paper wall map really outshine all others—so definitively that it...
by natecooper | Dec 23, 2011 | culture, politics
As David Leonhardt has recounted kudos to Alex MacGillis for bringing it up this week the senior Romney constantly turned down bonuses and pay raises. Once, he explained that no executive needed to make more than $225,000 a year equivalent to about $1.4 million today...
by natecooper | Dec 6, 2011 | aesthetics, architecture, cool, culture, politics
2012 TED Prize Winner is an Idea, not an individual: The City 2.0 : TreeHugger.
by natecooper | Dec 2, 2011 | culture, education, politics
via big think
by natecooper | Nov 21, 2011 | cool, culture, new york, politics, technology
One of my favorite things about my new life as a freelancer is the sheer diversity of things I get to do on a given day. When you work for yourself, the only boundaries you have are those that are self-imposed. To give you a sampling. Today I started off my day (a...
by natecooper | Aug 10, 2009 | cool, culture, politics
Say what you will about the president, but he totally “gets” the internet generation. Take a look at this site: Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check Well designed,...