by natecooper | Jul 6, 2016 | cities, cool, culture, los angeles, new york
I like to think I resisted this a bit but I think I’m slowly coming to terms with being a digital nomad. I’m typing this while in the back of a Lyft which is taking me from Long Beach California to Santa Monica where I have set up shop for the Summer. When...
by natecooper | Mar 28, 2015 | art, Brooklyn, culture, media, movie reviews, movies, Nate's Thoughts, new york
Photo Credit: Kevin Horan I am a midwestern son. There’s a sequence in the documentary ‘Life Itself’ that suggests that Roger Ebert styled himself as a Chicago journalist in an archetype of public figures like Studs Turkel. He was, for a time, hard drinking and hard...
by natecooper | Jul 11, 2013 | cities, cool, culture, new york
I can recall in my youth in Northern California a constant frustration called FOMO or fear of missing out. It is the anxiety felt that there’s someplace better you should be. You worry that you’re never where the cool stuff is happening. When I moved to the east coast...
by natecooper | Nov 21, 2011 | cool, culture, new york, politics, technology
One of my favorite things about my new life as a freelancer is the sheer diversity of things I get to do on a given day. When you work for yourself, the only boundaries you have are those that are self-imposed. To give you a sampling. Today I started off my day (a...
by natecooper | Nov 26, 2009 | Brooklyn, cities, humor, internet, nate, new york, photography, technology
Our most recent positing on Craigslist elicited an odd reCaptcha moment: To add a bit of context: our posting on craigslist was for a room in our apartment. We were using my girlfriend’s computer. She is jewish. So the “random generation” was all the...