by natecooper | Sep 15, 2008 | aesthetics, art, culture, digital media, internet, santa cruz
Not sure what is cooler. The fact that there is a post on Near Future Labratories detailing an opening in the History of Consciousness department at UCSC, my undergraduate alma mater in Film and Digital Media or the fact that one of the main contributers to the blog...
by natecooper | Jan 4, 2008 | culture, humor, nate, santa cruz
“12 College Classes We Wish Our Schools Had Offered” (From Mental Floss) Before I even looked at the list I knew this one would be on there! I took number 10 at...
by natecooper | Apr 2, 2007 | cool, culture, digital media, movies, nate, santa cruz
The MPAA just published a list of the top 25 University in the US . It should come as no surprise to Alum that UCSC is number 11. But seriously… I think if you guys try a little harder you can reach top 10 status next...
by natecooper | Mar 4, 2007 | art, cool, culture, movies, nate, santa cruz
I browse the Quicktime Trailers from time to time to see what’s going to be coming up soon and I recognized one title instantly but couldn’t remember from where. Wild Tigers I Have Known is Cam Archer’s movie that he did with Gus Van Sant. Yes,...
by natecooper | Sep 22, 2006 | art, books, cities, cool, culture, los angeles, nate, new york, san francisco, santa cruz
Ever since my sister brought up that she had never heard anyone use the word “hipster” before (saying that she had heard of “scenesters”) I’ve been curious about the distinction between hipster and scenester and what they mean in our...
by natecooper | Jul 12, 2006 | architecture, cities, nate, san francisco, santa cruz
Article claims devil’s slide will be reopened by September. This is a stretch of road north of Half Moon Bay that has completely cut off Highway 1 access between SF and the rest of the penninsula. Article should be followed shortly in April by an aticle stating...