
Nate Cooper's Blog

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Nate Cooper - Read Bio
Blogging (here) since 2005

I wrote this book

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Member+ or What Has Nate Been Up To?

We're running a special program called JumpStart for Spring 2019 Click here to view detailsWhat is a membership site? What is recurring revenue?It's been a while since I've done a life update. What am I working on? The answer lies above. Just over a year ago I shut...

How to Learn Anything

One thing I’ve learned in my experience teaching adults is that we don’t often stop to ask ourselves when we have learned something. This is one reason I think that people tend to sign up to take a class. They want someone (hopefully an expert) to tell them that they...

Blaming Ourselves for Poor Design

Do you want to change the world? It starts with stopping. You have to stop complaining. You have to stop looking for answers outside of yourself. You have to listen and pay attention to what you want and what you're capable of. Too often we feel simultaneously...

Roger Ebert’s Life The American Dream Itself

I am a midwestern son. There’s a sequence in the documentary ‘Life Itself’ that suggests that Roger Ebert styled himself as a Chicago journalist in an archetype of public figures like Studs Turkel. He was, for a time, hard drinking and hard living. Enjoying life in it’s ups and downs in a way that is both uniquely human and uniquely American. Seeing this film as I have now, in a time in life where for unrelated reasons, I’ve recently had to explain and often defend being both a New Yorker and American, it has given me pause to reflect on my midwestern-ness. It’s a claim I don’t often make about aspects of my personality and to say they are at best unsettled would perhaps be an understatement.

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