
I browse the Quicktime Trailers from time to time to see what’s going to be coming up soon and I recognized one title instantly but couldn’t remember from where.

Wild Tigers I Have Known is Cam Archer’s movie that he did with Gus Van Sant. Yes, “the” Cam Archer.. the dude from Santa Cruz who apparently seems to be doing well for himself. I remember seeing the poster for this hanging up around the Communications building last year but it seems like the film has traveled far and wide and got a distribution deal with IFC.

I took at least one production class with Cam and he always had an interesting eye both cinematography-wise and in his choice of subject — mostly having to do with adolescent boys. It’s interesting though how when I look at the shots in the trailer it reminds me a little of film school and the types of things that you’d see recurring in UCSC films.. that one beach shot.. the tall grass outside the music center in the west field (though here its obviously not Santa Cruz). I guess it’s just that shock a little of feeling someone close to someone very talented (though Cam probably doesn’t remember me). I wish him well and look forward to seeing the movie.

— Check out camarcher.com

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