by natecooper | Oct 20, 2011 | humor, internet, media, music
by natecooper | Feb 20, 2011 | culture, digital media, humor, internet, technology
This is nearly flawless. I love the double meaning of having this performed by elderly comics. I wonder if they understand completely what they are saying, on the other hand perhaps they are just proving how ridiculous us techsperts sound when we spout off about...
by natecooper | Sep 24, 2010 | cool, humor, internet
(via Super Punch: Like Mom Like Dad) Didn’t notice at first that this was a zefrank project
by natecooper | Aug 27, 2010 | humor, internet, media
by natecooper | Aug 16, 2010 | culture, humor, internet
by natecooper | Aug 2, 2010 | books, cool, culture, humor, internet