by natecooper | Feb 29, 2012 | cool, culture, digital media, technology
A couple weeks ago I found out that I’ll be travelling from New York City down to SXSWi on a bus full of strangers. On the way down we’ll conceive, draft and build a project. When we get to Austin we’ll be in competition with other buses from around...
by natecooper | Feb 19, 2012 | books, cities, cool, culture, digital media
Very inspired by Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation This passage just about sums up what I’ve learned in the past year about curating events while building up my business: In thinking about networked innovation...
by natecooper | Jan 22, 2012 | culture, digital media
Here’s my article in Mashable on teaching outside of traditional institutions Teach What You Know: How to Make a Living on Skillshare. A good Skillshare instructor is a good Skillshare student. You’ll want to take as many classes as you teach. Your role...
by natecooper | Jan 2, 2012 | culture, digital media, humor
(via Married To The Sea)
by natecooper | Nov 8, 2011 | aesthetics, art, cool, digital media
The Four Icon Challenge | Kyle Tezak.
by natecooper | Nov 4, 2011 | culture, digital media, movies, technology
Apple doesn’t care about the pro space The goal for every Apple software product is to sell more hardware. Even the Mac operating system is just trying to get people to buy more Mac computers. The pro market is too small for Apple to care about it. Instead of...