by natecooper | Jan 30, 2009 | architecture, art, culture, digital media, internet, nate, technology
It’s been a couple weeks since I finished Steven Johnson’s 1997 book, “Interface.” Though I’d like to say that I’ve been stirred by it’s profoundity enough to be stewing on my own thoughts for a post, the truth is that I...
by natecooper | Dec 31, 2008 | architecture, Brooklyn, cities, media, new york
This list of fire department maps of New York City from the 19th and early 20th century is like porn for cartophiles. (via NY Public Library Blog)
by natecooper | Dec 30, 2008 | architecture, cities, culture, humor, nate
“nate cooper! last night i had a dream that you owned a… hmm, i guess a park? for kids? and you bought it with student loans. and uhm… there was a tree that had like… 100000 toy monkeys on it, and a hill where you could shoot your choice of...
by natecooper | Nov 14, 2008 | architecture, cities, cool, culture, world
Check out this park and landscape in Prague. I have mixed feelings about modernist architecture. It always looks amazing in photography but often is bleak and imposing from the ground level. More recent construction like this, however, re-writes the perspective on a...
by natecooper | Nov 7, 2008 | architecture, cities, culture, los angeles, nate, politics, san francisco, technology
The passage of Prop 1a is a great opportunity and for me somewhat surprising given this is the first time I’ve voted in a major election outside of California. (As is of course the disappointing passage of Prop 8). The California High Speed Rail Blog has published an...
by natecooper | Oct 17, 2008 | aesthetics, architecture, art, cool, culture, style
I wonder how my recent arab-fetish fits into my desire to remake my room with all of these comfy pillows. I am totally in love with all of the decor in these photos. Click on the pic for more. (via style-files)