“But a tumble isn’t even the smallest known unit of thought on the Web. You can Twitter, which are notes of up to 140 characters written from your computer or cellphone and sent to your friends as a feed or posted as the “update status” on your Facebook page. They consist of updates about what you’re doing, thinking or feeling at that exact moment, such as “I’m watching ‘American Idol’ ” or “I’m about to go watch ‘American Idol’ ” or “I’m sort of watching ‘American Idol,’ but I’m really Twittering about watching ‘American Idol.’ ” “
Funny little article about the state of microblogging and status updates. A healthy little dose of what kids are up to these days. By Kids I mean people in their mid to late 20s and early 30s. Those who are younger are probably up to something even hipper that I. [link] Found on David Karp’s (founder of Tumblr) Tumblog.