I visited Jade in Los Angeles. She has a beautiful apartment in an area of LA that others find dangerous but I find homey and wonderful. Though watch out for the cockroaches!
Jade took me to the Hollywood Forever Cemetary which is famous for its list of celebrities buried there. Here’s Mel Blanc who did the voice of Bugs Bunny as well as a number of other WB creatures.
Mike lives right behind the Hollywood and Highland complex which is essentially an outdoor mall right in the heart of Hollywood kind of akin to Times Square including being the center of a theater district.
Mike riding an “excercise pony” in Brookstone in Hollywood and Highland.. This supposedly works your abs.
Hollywood and Highland is essentially built around the Grauman’s Chinese theater which is famous for its concrete imprints of celebrities.
There’s this place in Hollywood that serves the biggest slices of pizza I’ve ever seen… I like to go there when I’m in Hollywood. Though what I’ve discovered on this last trip is that the pizza doesn’t taste that great really.
My last day in Long Beach my sister and I had margeritas from El Torito.