
ezPayPal Shop

This is an auto-generated page by Easy PayPal Plugin. It displays the products you have defined in a neat table format, which allows your potential buyers to purchase them.

Whether you display this page or not, you should not delete it. This page is the target to which PayPal will send the information about your purchases. It is the PayPal Listener and the plugin will not work if it is not reachabe at http://natecooper.wpengine.com/ez-shop. Please click to verify.

If the shop page (http://natecooper.wpengine.com/ez-shop) is not reachable, please enable a permalink structure for your blog. Any structure (other than the ugly default structure using ?p=) will do.

Note that you can create your own shop pages using the shortcodes. For example, each product can be displayed as a Buy Now using the shortcode format [[ezshop buy='product_code']Buy Now[/ezshop]]. This will insert a link, which when clicked, will take your reader to a PayPal page to buy the product.

The ez-shop page is not meant to be a public page. It is a page needed for the plugin to receive messages from PayPal and handle them. It is also a quick page to show you that the plugin is working. Please create a pretty page with links using short codes.

If you decide to edit this page, please do not delete the [[ezshop]] line below this line.


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