by natecooper | Jul 26, 2016 | culture, los angeles
Do you want to change the world? It starts with stopping. You have to stop complaining. You have to stop looking for answers outside of yourself. You have to listen and pay attention to what you want and what you’re capable of. Too often we feel simultaneously...
by natecooper | Jul 6, 2016 | cities, cool, culture, los angeles, new york
I like to think I resisted this a bit but I think I’m slowly coming to terms with being a digital nomad. I’m typing this while in the back of a Lyft which is taking me from Long Beach California to Santa Monica where I have set up shop for the Summer. When...
by natecooper | Nov 7, 2008 | architecture, cities, culture, los angeles, nate, politics, san francisco, technology
The passage of Prop 1a is a great opportunity and for me somewhat surprising given this is the first time I’ve voted in a major election outside of California. (As is of course the disappointing passage of Prop 8). The California High Speed Rail Blog has published an...
by natecooper | Aug 21, 2008 | aesthetics, architecture, art, cities, culture, los angeles, new york, technology is making it appear as if all I’ve been reading is and BLDGBLOG. Could be worse I guess. BLDGBLOG’s discussion of “extreme signage” [link] does pique my interest. I don’t know if I fully agree with the...
by natecooper | Jun 3, 2008 | architecture, culture, los angeles, san francisco
John King, architectural critic for the SF Chronicle and the only newspaper columnist in my google reader takes a trip to L.A. and reports back about some of the new buildings and communities that have recently opened [link] “Next to the Cheesecake Factory...