
If it Doesn’t Work, Burn it

Take some practical tips about writing by the illustrious Mark Twain. The secret is to share your work with a large cross section of people (listed one by one in this video), then, if a book fails to please, burn it. For some reason this video is also narrarated by...

Even Cowgirl Movies aren’t Perfect

I’m about a third of the way through Even Cowgirls Get the Blues and I’m starting to realize why Tom Robbins was recommended to me as an author to check out several years ago; thoroughly entertaining and completely up my alley. Aside from the convenience...

The Tipping Point in Context

My second sojourn into the world of Malcolm Gladwell was again pleasant. The Tipping Point’s analysis of trends and epidemics proves yet again a fascination with the influence of context on social phenomena. After reading Outliers (Gladwell’s most recent...